Environmental & Sustainability Commitment

Environmental & sustainability commitment

As a farm, family, and business, Wold of Your Own is fully committed to being environmentally friendly and conserving the wildlife and land around us. To ensure we maintain this commitment, we have worked holistically to uphold these ideals on many levels for many years across the whole of our farm.

In line with developing a more sustainable way of farming, Wold of your Own is run with the same principles in mind. Energy at our sites is provided by solar power, toilets are all dry and we recycle and compost as much of the rubbish from our glampers as possible. We use environmentally-friendly, ethically-sourced cleaning products and toiletries which are delivered via a closed loop system (meaning we return the large bulk containers to the manufacturer for refilling) and we dispense these into our own re-fillable bottles. Our guests’ disposable dishcloths even get washed so we can reuse them as cleaning rags many times over before disposal!

We’ve planted extensively to create a fantastic natural habitat for wildlife and we continue to plant hedging, trees and meadow flowers across the farm.

Our Glamping sites offer a holiday with a low carbon footprint and you’ll reap the health benefits too, clean air, uplifting sunsets and sunrises, clear night skies perfect for stargazing, the sounds of rustling leaves and bird song, spotting wild deer, foxes and owls as you immerse yourself in nature.


We have installed solar panels to generate the electricity used across our sites, solar powered water heating, lighting and sockets.


We use wood burning stoves and use coppiced wood from our own woodland for guest firepit, pizza oven and the stove use.


We use Trobolo composting toilets across our sites. These are dry toilets meaning no water is used and all the waste is composted. We also supply guests with Who Gives a Crap toilet paper – made from more eco-friendly bamboo.


We use grey water tanks to collect all your water and we are working on creating a grey water wetland to support further biodiversity.

Here are some tips on how you can do your bit to help during your stay…


Where you can please use local products and services. They give you a flavour of the area and help support our communities. We are fortunate to have some great producers of food and drink in the Lincolnshire Wolds. For more information on local producers please visit our Explore page. We have worked hard to identify great local producers and support those as close as possible to our location, rather than big suppliers that you may find in your supermarket at home.

Follow The Countryside Code

Please respect the local community and other people using the outdoors. Remember your actions can affect people’s lives and livelihoods. If you’re unsure familiarise yourself with the code here.

Exploring by Car

We encourage you during your stay to leave the car parked and explore on foot locally as there is a wonderful network of footpaths straight from the front door. There is an OS Explorer Map for your use. We can get food and drink hampers delivered from our local suppliers, so you don’t need to head out for supplies.

If you are driving, please keep a sharp lookout for horses and walkers. If you meet walkers coming towards you then please stop and allow them to pass safely. If they are walking in the same direction you are travelling then slow down and allow them to move off the road onto a safe verge.

If you do spot a horse and rider:

> Slow right down and be ready to stop

> Give them a wide berth – at least a car’s width – and pass slowly

> Avoid any actions likely to spook the horse such as splashing them with puddles, sounding your horn or revving your engine

> Watch out for signals from the rider to slow down or stop

> Don’t expect all riders to raise their hand in thanks when you drive considerately – if it’s not possible to take a hand off the reins and maintain control, most will smile or nod their thanks instead

> Accelerate gently once you’ve passed the horse

Save Precious Resources

Utilities are included during your stay but please think about the environment and turn off lights when not being used – keeping light levels to a minimum will help our resident bats and insects to flourish. Only use the water you need – why not share a shower or bath – it’s big enough for 2! Drinking water is supplied in glass bottles so there is no need to buy plastic bottles of drinking water. We provide a chilled bottles of tap water in the fridge for your convenience.

We are not on mains drains instead using grey waste tanks which break down waste in an environmentally sensitive way so we need to be careful what goes down the sink. We use environmentally-friendly cleaning products and ask that you refrain from putting anything other than number 1’s and 2’s with our eco bamboo toilet paper down the loo! Please place everything else in the bin provided.

Reduce, Reuse, Refill, Recycle

We are striving hard to eradicate single-use plastics and all our cleaning products and equipment are reusable – as a result, minimal waste is generated. Please help us during your stay and use our recycling facilities here. There are composting bags for raw food as well as boxes for plastics, cardboard, tins, glass and Tetra Pak.

As a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It’s a truly special place and we would be most grateful if you would do what you can to be a responsible visitor and help keep it that way.