Wildlife & Nature


The wildlife at

Wold of your Own

Situated in over 100 acres of meadow-rich wildflowers, conservation mix winter wild bird food, bordered by semi-natural woodland, our sites are situated within an AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).

The woodland is home to an array of wildlife and our meadows are a favorite spot for the local deer, pheasants and foxes.

In the daytime, sit in the meadow and watch the birds, bees, and butterflies – the meadow is planted and designed to encourage wildlife. Enjoy identifying some of the wildflowers, birds, and bugs – handy guides are included in all our accommodation.

Our naturally fed wildlife lakes are teaming with life, our resident swans Charles and Camilla who return every year, ducks, frogs, and toads and in the long grasses we are building various reptile hibernaculum.

We are constantly seeking to further improve and enhance the meadow habitat and are proud members of The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust.

Redhill Nature Reserve

Within walking distance of Wold of your Own is Redhill Nature Reserve. The area 4 acres of steep chalk escarpment grassland with some scrub and old plateau grassland, and a disused quarry with a famous exposure of Red Chalk which is rich in fossils, particularly belemnites and brachiopods. Below the Red Chalk there is a considerable thickness of Carstone, here a coarse, pebbly sandstone, and above it a thin capping of the white Lower Chalk.

The grassland and quarry have a rich assemblage of chalk plants, including localised species such as Autumn gentian (felwort), yellow-wort, basil thyme, kidney vetch and pyramidal and bee orchids. Owing to the dominance of tor-grass the hillside vegetation is less varied.

The commoner grassland butterflies and moths, including an abundance of six-spotted burnet moths, are present. The meadow pipit, a localised breeding species inland in Lincolnshire, nests in the reserve. Common lizard and grass snake occur.

Protecting Lincolnshire’s wildlife for the future

We are proud to support The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust conservation charity. They look after nearly 100 nature reserves, give wildlife a voice, and inspire people to take action for wildlife.

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is a voluntary charitable organisation which cares for Lincolnshire’s wildlife and countryside. It is one of 46 similar Wildlife Trusts covering the UK which are affiliated to the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts.

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust is one of the oldest of these county trusts, having been founded in 1948. The Trust covers the whole of the historic county of Lincolnshire – from the Humber to the Wash.

Get involved with the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust offer opportunities for people young and old to become enthused and informed about wildlife through events, family activities, local groups and outdoor adventures!